Building Love

Director: Luca Trovellesi Cesana, Production: Studio3TV, Country: Italy, Language: Spanish, 14 x 30′, 2013, Rights: North America, Scandinavia, UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria

A voyage in places where everyday people fight for survival, where self-sacrifice, selflessness, suffering and faith intertwine. 

“Building love” is a docu-series that collects the testimony of humanitarian missions across the world, born out of a desire to create something for the love of someone else, to “build love”. 

From the hard work of psychologists and educators in reformatories to the extraordinary story of Mother Ines, an eighty-year-old nun who every day assists 400 children in Mexico affected by disabilities. From building hospitals and healthcare centres for the poor in Ethiopia to missions against organized crime and mafia in Italy and the protection of the ecosystem in Ecuador.

These are just a few of the many real stories that we will cover, listening to the moving stories of their main characters. An incredible trip that involves Ecuador, Romania, Italy, Mexico, Uruguay, Guatemala and Ethiopia.