Every Fortnight (Cada quinze dies)

Director: Laura Huguet and Joan Tisminetzky,  Producer: Gisela Cano, language: Catalan Sign Language, Catalan and Spanish, Spain, 2018, 56′, Rights: World
The documentary follows three years in of the life of Carlos, a deafblind father and his teenage daughter, Paula. We will see how an extraordinary person solves day-to-day problems but most of all how he faces the responsibility of his teenage daughter’s growth. On the horizon, the implantation of a chip in the eye and the hope of regaining vision.

In the words of the directors, “we wanted to move Carlos’ disability and his willpower from the focus of the documentary. Difficult task because Carlos is a very active and full of strength deafblind man. But it is the communicative difficulties between a father and a daughter that allow us (listeners and viewers) to identify with the frictions and complicities of the documentary. ”


  • Nominated for ” Best Documentary” DIARI DI CINECLUB