Director: Mirjam de With, Writer: Eveline Verwoerd, Producer: Family Affairs Film, Co-producer Omrop Fryslan, Netherlands, 10 x 25′, 2014, Rights:…
Director: Yu In Sik, Writer: Hwang Ju Ha, Production: Sokumbit Media, World Sales in collaboration with: SBS Content Hub, Korea,…
Directors: Uldis Cipsts, Production: Direct Contact Media, 10×24′, 2019, Latvia, Commissioned by: Latvian Public TV and LMT Home Rights: World…
Directors: Rainer Sarnet, Juhan Ulfsak, Marianne Kõrver, Jan-Erik Nõgisto, Producer: Paul Aguraiuja, Production: Itamambuca, 10×56′, 2018, Estonia, Rights: World Excluding…
Director: Andrés Wood, Producers: Alejandra Garcia and Patricio Pereira, Script: Guillermo Calderón, Production: Wood Productions, CHV, TNT, Chile, 4×50′, 2013,…
Director: Ruán Magan, Exec. Producer: Stephen Rooke, Producers: Catherine Quinn, Stephen Rooke, Tile Films Productions, Commissioned by: TG4, Ireland, 3×52′,…
Directed by: Gareth Rowlands, Eryl Huw Phillips, Terry Dyddgen-Jones, Produced by: Tarian Cyf UK, 2017, 2 Seasons 16×52’ Rights: World
Directed by: Marcos Cabotá, Produced by: IB3, Production Company: Nova Televisió (Grup Serra), Spain, 2 x 50-58’, 2018, Rights: World…
Director: Tony Kearney, Producer: Christopher Young, Morag Stewart, Sarah Jane Campbell, Production Company: Young Films, BBC Alba, Scotland Gaelic/UK, 8 Seasons 43…
Director: Attila Szász, Producer: Tamás Lajos & Tamás Mink, Production Company: Szupermodern Studio, Hungary, 88’, 2015 Rights: World (Except Hungary)…